INdiana Systemic Thinking

February 17, 2008

Chelsea Clinton: Having It Both Ways

The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette carried this Associated Press story about Chelsea Clinton. The purpose of the story was (I guess) to update everyone on what Chelsea is doing for her mother’s campaign.

However, I was a little miffed by the end of the report. Since when is it OK to run around, giving speeches for a candidate, and then refuse to answer questions from the press?

According to the story:

While pressing her mother’s case, she still has refused to talk on-the-record to reporters. She politely smiles when reporters ask questions.In Iowa, she even refused to answer questions from a 9-year-old Scholastic News reporter.

“I’m sorry, I don’t talk to the press and that applies to you, unfortunately. Even though I think you’re cute,” Chelsea told the pint-sized journalist.

She must be doing something right, because the campaign gave a plum assignment this weekend: three days of campaigning in Hawaii, where Democrats hold caucuses Tuesday.

Seems to me the press is treating Chelsea with a little favoritism here.  I mean can you think of anyone, and I mean anyone else who could get away with this.  C’mon Chelsea, if you want to play with the big boys and be taken seriously, your going to have to play by the same rules as everyone else.  Oh, and to the press who continue to gripe about this…  Let me give you a suggestion.  Stop covering her if she won’t take your questions!

February 13, 2008

Health Blog Roundup: Step-dads, Chelsea Clinton, Statins Make Women Stupid, etc…

Here are some of the posts I found interesting this morning from the list of national health blogs I keep track of:

From the Wall Street Journal Health Blog:

Do statins “make women stupid“?

Blue Cross of California wants doctors to help them cancel patient policies.

Dr. Grohol’s World of Psychology:

Making sense of suicide and drugs.

On the Radar:

Chelsea Clinton hates her health insurance.

Hidden Agenda in CDHPs


It’s tough being a step-dad!

February 3, 2008

Public Perceptions of Presidential Candidates

The other day my wife and I were discussing how one particular candidate would never be elected President.  Our premise was public perception of this candidate’s personality was so negative the candidate could never garner a majority of the country’s votes.  Of course public perception of any candidate is probably wrong, but it appears to be important to voters none the less.  Take Ronald Reagan for example.  I think his public perception was of a kindly grandfather type who, even if he had to tell you “no”, he did it in a way that made you feel he was doing it to help you…sorta a grampa knows best approach.  If you disagree, that’s fine, it’s my perception and I’m sticking to it.  Which is really the problem.  People stick to their perceptions despite lots of evidence (and candidate spin) to the contrary.  That’s why I was really interested in this article from the Associated Press, via WTHR.  The article reports the results of a poll on the public’s perceptions of candidates and how those perceptions may change over time.   I’m not that interested in the change over time part, but, in summary, here is the public perception as it stands right now. 

Hillary Clinton – People often cite the words “female” and “feminist” when asked about her.  She is viewed as “strong, decisive and experienced but is not seen as likable, honest or refreshing.” 

“The most volunteered description of Clinton was her gender and the thought that she’s a feminist. Close behind were feelings that she is dishonest and not likable-voiced mostly by Republicans-followed by strength and mention of her husband, former President Clinton. “

Barak Obama – “Inexperience” is the word most use to describe him.  However, most view “him as refreshing, compassionate and attractive. ”

 “People mention inexperience most often, followed by those saying he is inspiring and favors change, and by people citing his race. Some said he is Muslim, an Internet-fed rumor that Obama’s campaign has labored to dispel. “

Mitt Romney – The word most used to describe him is “Morman”.

“Nearly half of those polled could not say anything when asked to describe McCain’s chief rival, Mitt Romney, including more than a third of Republicans-surprisingly large numbers this late in a campaign on which the former Massachusetts governor has spent $40 million of his own money to get his name and message before the voters. ”

“Among those familiar with Romney, most cited was his Mormon faith and a sense he is not authentic, including many who said he changes his mind on issues-a frequent charge leveled by his opponents.

John McCain – “Military service” and “old” are the two most cited terms regarding McCain.  However, he is “widely seen as experienced, strong, honest and decisive”.

Mike Huckabee – Is “best known for his religion. The ordained Baptist minister discusses his faith frequently while campaigning”.

So what do you think?  I think the results of the poll are pretty much in line with my perceptions of the candidates.

January 28, 2008

Bill Clinton: I Have a Dream…Literally

Filed under: Bill Clinton,Misc,Uncategorized — kurtglmft @ 1:17 am
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Who says there isn’t anything good on MTV anymore?  Over the weekend I just happened to catch one of those shows that present funny videos of what happened over the week.  This was one of them.

Apparently former President Clinton was very tired from all the badmouthing of Obama and decided to attend a Martin Luther King event at a church in New York City.  Maybe he should have gotten a little more sleep.

The funniest part for me is when he suddenly wakes up and starts nodding his head like he was deep in thought.  Of course the obvious watch checking at the end is pretty good as well.  I don’t know where the video came from, but the above is from the New York Post, via YouTube.

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